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About Us

EasyCart.com.my is fully owned by Mercu Niaga Holding, established well in Year 2020.

EasyCart.com.my is a next-generation of e-commerce platform brand that aims to offer a fast, secure, quality and convenient online shopping experience with a local and worldwide product in variety categories ranging from fashion, consumer electronic, home living & appliances, mobile gadgets, household goods, sports equipment and many more.

Why Choose US

We offer you a best experience place to sell and buy here.

We also offer variety of opportunity to earn income, suitable for part-time side income earner, freelance and many more.

We have a best delivery partnership to delivery all good in best quality of time to customer.

Goods and products sell in our shop is affordable price to all customers.

Goods and products sell in our shop is in best quality and trustable quality to our customer.

Money refund guarantee, subject to our refundable policy.

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Freequently Asked Questions

How to start to sell in Easycart website?
How do Easycart charge commission to Seller?
How a product deliver to Customer?
What type of package offer to new Seller?

This Is What Our Customers Say

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Julia Roy

Quisque libero metus, condimentum nec, tempor a, commodo mollis, magna. Morbi nec metus. Quisque libero metus, condimentum nec, tempor a,

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+6 016-458 2676

A3-2-1, A3-3-3 & A3-2-3a, 2nd Floor, Block A3, North Court, Naim Street Mall, Bintulu Paragon, 97000 Bintulu, Sarawak, Malaysia.